Noemi Di Segni, president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, said the appointment ‘is an important signal that comes to us from Palazzo Chigi’.
Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has appointed Prefect Giuseppe Pecoraro as the national coordinator for the fight against anti-Semitism.
“President Meloni thanks Professor Milena Santerini for the valuable work she has done in recent years at the Council presidency and expresses her best wishes to Prefect Pecoraro for his new post,’’ said a statement issued by Palazzo Chigi, the seat of the Prime Minister.
In a comment on the appointment of the former Prefect of Rome, Noemi Di Segni, head of the Union of Italian Jewish communities (UCEI) said : “The appointment of Giuseppe Pecoraro is an important signal that comes to us from Palazzo Chigi in these intense hours of appointments dedicated to Remembrance. We thank Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni for this, expressing to the new coordinator our best wishes for a fruitful work with respect to the many challenges that connote anti-Semitism in Italy today.’’
Di Segni added : ‘’ The communities chorally express deep gratitude to his predecessor, Professor Milena Santerini, for her commitment in recent years to the launch of the national strategy, the guidelines for schools and most recently the agreement for the network of memory with the State Railways. The Union of Italian Jewish Communities, once again, is ready to get to work and also provide the new coordinator with any useful support.”
On the eve of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, at the end of last month, Di Segni had urged the government to appoint the national coordinator.