It appears that the man’s information is based on fake news since Israel did condemn the Russian invasion. Israeli Foreign Minister Lapid called the massacre in Butcha “a war crime” and Israel voted against Russia at the U.N. several times, including last week in the vote to remove Russia from the Human Rights Council.
A garage owner near Antwerp, Belgium, announced that his business will no longer reeceive Jewish customers because of Israel’s ‘’unacceptable’’ position on Russia, Jewish magazine Joods Actueel reported.
Ludo Eyckmans, who owns a Skoda garage in Hoevenen made the announcement in a letter he sent last month to several Jewish organizations and to the media, including a copy to a public broadcasting.
“As of today, our Jewish customers are no longer welcome for maintenance of their vehicles or solving electronic problems,” he wrote.
The Forum of Jewish Organizations in Antwerp reacted with shock at the letter and promised legal action.
For several weeks, the Forum of Jewish Organizations tried unsuccessfully to engage in dialogue with the garage owner. They explained to him that Jews in our country have Belgian, not Israeli, nationality, and that there is an essential difference between a religion on the one hand and a nationality on the other.
‘’Belgian Jews have no Israeli nationality and no influence on what Israel decides. Finally, it also appears that the accusations against Israel are not true at all,’’ writes Joods Actueel.
‘’Ukrainian President Zelensky demonstrates this well, who is himself a Jew but not an Israeli citizen.’’
It appears that the man’s information is based on fake news since Israel did condemn the Russian invasion. Israeli Foreign Minister Lapid called the massacre in Butcha “a war crime” and Israel voted against Russia at the U.N. several times, including last week in the vote to remove Russia from the Human Rights Council.
Israel has not issued sanctions against Vladimir Putin’s regime because Israel needs Russian cooperation in Syria to stop Iran’s arms deliveries to Hezbollah.
In its response to the garage owner, the Forum of Jewish Organizations also wrote that of all the countries in the world (excluding neighboring countries), Israel has offered the most humanitarian aid per capita of its population. Among other things, a large field hospital was established in western Ukraine.
Despite this, the garagist reportedly refused to withdraw his letter, according to Forum spokesperson Hans Knoop.
The Jewish organization therefore have decided to file a complaint against the man with the public prosecutor’s office.
Member of the Belgian federal parliament Michael Freilich from the N-VA paerty noted that discriminating on the basis of religion and origin is clearly punishable by law. “This is disgusting discrimination and then again based on fake news. I hope this will not be without consequences. As a society we cannot tolerate this,’’ he said.