BRUSSELS—European Commissioner Carlos Moedas, responsible for Research, Science and Innovation, will host on December 5 an event in the Berlaymont, the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, during which the fourth Chanukah candle will be lit.
This EuroChanukah candle lighting event is organized every year by the European Jewish Community Center (EJCC).
This year being the 70th anniversary of the Human Rights Declaration, representatives of the European Institutions along with members and friends of the Jewish community will present the “Share the light” prize to Musica Mundi, in recognition of its achievement to promote peace and the right for education to every individual. Musica Mundi is an International chamber music course and Festival for young talents aged 10-20. It was created in order to help young talents develop their own unique personalities, and to enable them to meet musicians at the top of their profession.
As you may know, Chanukah is a holiday which was celebrated by Jewish families across Europe for over 2000 years in times of peace as in times of adversity, by the lighting of an additional candle every night for a period of eight days.
These lights are here to tell us something, they remind us of the fundamental freedoms and the value of education as the foundations of our society. This holiday also tells us that every day we have the opportunity to contribute yet a new light to those around us, a new good action and a new idea to learn.