The announcement of the burning, authorized by Swedish police, caused an outcry around the world…
“Whilst we are deeply respectful of Constitutional rights and the EU’s own Charter of Funadmental…
Despite the fact that according to a survey commissioned by the Swedish public television, a…
The question for every member is whether they stand against antisemitism or not, said Michael…
“Many people outside Sweden have difficulty in understanding why this is allowed at all,” said…
The rally, which received prior approval from authorities, ensued after Israeli forces withdrew from Jenin…
Among the items found was a stone tablet containing a portion of the Ten Commandments.…
Among the items found was a stone tablet containing a portion of the Ten Commandments.…
It follows the burning of a Koran outside the main mosque in Stockholm that sparked…
‘’We apologise that the language used in this line of questioning was not phrased well…