As in the United States, left-wing protesters in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv have hitched a…
Browsing: Columns & Opinions
By Orit-Farkash-Hacohen A caricature of a Chinese person is coughing on Uncle Sam, infecting the…
In 2016 I wrote an op-ed demanding that Black Lives Matter rescind the portion of its platform…
Just as Jews worldwide poured their passion and money into helping Israel when it was…
By Rabbi Menachem Margolin All of us seek to encourage aspiration, but we also regard…
Jewish organizations want to oppose racism, but the push to endorse a group tainted by…
Israel has booked several successes in the European Union last week despite the controversial annexation…
By Daniel Pomerantz On June 10 a web site called circulated an article entitled An…
It is factually incorrect to assert that Israel intends to “annex” territory to which it…
France, the Grand Annexer, lectures Israel? How do you say chutzpah in French? By Stephen…