WJC leader Ronald Lauder condemns Fatah-Hamas deal

NEW YORK (EJP)—World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder has condemned the reconciliation deal announced Wednesday by Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas, which could lead to a unity government between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, which is led by Mahmoud Abbas, and the Hamas government in Gaza.

“After many months of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, we finally see the PA’s true colors: Mahmoud Abbas has decided that he would rather reconcile with the terrorist organization Hamas than make peace with Israel,” Lauder said in a statement.

“All of the time and political capital expended by Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama, all of the terrorist murderers released by Israel, all of this has been wasted on what was essentially a subterfuge. Abbas has now shown the world that he never seriously considered a two-state solution nor the acceptance of Israel as a Jewish State,” the WJC President added.

Lauder continued: “Instead of a peace treaty and the possibility of advancing his people out of the squalor they have lived in for more than 60 years, we have unity of Fatah and Hamas – two Palestinian entities that would rather destroy Israel and kill Jews than live in peace. This is one more dark chapter in an old book that is filled with blood, terror, poverty and very little hope. And in the end, it’s hardly just Israel that will suffer, but the Palestinian people as well.”

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