Ten IDF soldiers KIA in Gaza, including 9 in Shejaiya ambush

Israeli soldiers during combat operations in the Gaza Strip, Dec. 12, 2023. Picture from IDF.

Israeli forces attack 250 targets in Gaza • Rocket-launching squad eliminated • Syria, Lebanon sites struck.

By Joshua Marks

Ten Israeli soldiers fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip on Tuesday, the IDF announced on Wednesday morning. Nine were killed during a Hamas ambush in the eastern Gaza City neighborhood of Shejaiya, according to the military.

Seven of the nine soldiers were from the Golani infantry brigade, while the remaining two were members of the IDF’s elite Special Tactics Rescue Unit 669.

Late on Tuesday afternoon a Golani force was clearing buildings in the heart of the Shejaiya Kasbah when Hamas terrorists set off an explosive device, opened fire and threw grenades at them, wounding four.

The troops sent in to support them were also ambushed, leading to a pitched battle lasting some 3 hours. The forces were eventually extracted with air and artillery support.

The Golani Brigade soldiers who fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip on Tuesday were identified by the IDF as:

The Special Tactics Resue Unit 669 casualties were identified as:

The final casualty was identified as Sgt. Oriya Yaakov, 19, from Ashkelon, a soldier in Battalion 614, the School of Combat Engineering.

הלב נקרע.
בוקר קשה ביותר, עם היוודע הבשורה על 8 לוחמים, מטובי בננו, שנפלו בקרבות בעזה.

סא״ל תומר גרינברג, מפקד גדוד 13 בחטיבת גולני. רס״ן רועי מלדסי, מפקד פלוגה בגדוד 13. רס״ן משה אברהם בר-און, מפקד פלוגה בגדוד 51 של גולני. סמל אחיה דסקל, לוחם בגדוד 51. סרן ליאל חיו מפקד מחלקה… pic.twitter.com/ncSxjmSfop

— אלי כהן | Eli Cohen (@elicoh1) December 13, 2023

At least 115 soldiers have been killed in action in Gaza since the start of the IDF ground operation on Oct. 27; 442 Israeli soldiers have died since the war began on Oct. 7.

250 targets hit in Gaza; rocket-launching squad killed

Israeli ground, aerial and naval forces continued to battle Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip as the military’s “Operation Swords of Iron” entered its 68th day on Wednesday.

Approximately 250 targets were attacked over the past day, the IDF said.

Troops guided an Israeli Air Force fighter jet to strike a terrorist squad in Shejaiya on its way to launch rockets at Israeli territory.

לוחמי צוות הקרב החטיבתי של ביסל”ח, בשיתוף עם לוחמי גדוד איסוף 636 של חיל הגנת הגבולות זיהו חוליית מחבלים במרחב סג׳עייה שהייתה בדרכה לשגר רקטות לעבר שטח ישראל, הלוחמים הכווינו כלי טיס של חיל האוויר שתקף וחיסל את החולייה pic.twitter.com/hXLRlOEFJB

— צבא ההגנה לישראל (@idfonline) December 13, 2023

The Israeli military on Tuesday night published dramatic video of a soldier engaging in fierce face-to-face combat with terrorists in Shejaiya.

The helmet camera records the reservist from the Yahalom unit of the Israeli Combat Engineering Corps confronting the terrorists at point-blank range. He kills one terrorist and then is wounded by grenades thrown at him, before entering the building and killing the second terrorist.

Sirens sounded in communities near the Gaza Strip on Wednesday morning, with no immediate reports of casualties or damage.

Terrorists have launched more than 11,500 rockets at Israel since the start of the war.

Israel strikes targets in Syria and Lebanon

Israeli forces attacked targets in Syria and Lebanon late Tuesday night.

IDF aircraft and tanks struck Syrian army military posts and infrastructure in response to launches from Syria toward Israel earlier on Tuesday. An Israeli Air Force fighter jet also struck military infrastructure in Lebanon, and Israeli forces struck a Hezbollah launch post in Lebanese territory.

כלי טיס וטנקים של צה”ל תקפו לפני זמן קצר מספר תשתיות צבאיות ועמדה צבאית של צבא סוריה בשטח סוריה.

בנוסף מטוס קרב של חיל האוויר תקף לפני זמן קצר תשתית צבאית וכוחות צה”ל תקפו עמדת משגר של ארגון הטרור חיזבאללה בשטח לבנון pic.twitter.com/Z2UjxBn3xB

— צבא ההגנה לישראל (@idfonline) December 12, 2023



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