Record number of aliyah demands in France following elections results

Picture from Jewish Agency for Israel.

The Jewish Agency has received a large number of applications for aliyah following the results of the second round of the legislative elections in France, according to a report in weekly magazine Marianne.

The unprecedented violence of the October 7 attacks could have dampened the aspirations of French candidates to settle in Israel. But this was without taking into account the liberation of anti-Semitism in the West, the magazine says.

In France, according to a report published last January by Crif, the representative body of French Jewish institutions,  anti-Semitic acts increased by 1,000% between 2022 and 2023.

According to the latest report by the National Consultative Commission for Human Rights (CNCDH), anti-Semitic acts increased by 284% in 2023, from 436 to 1676, with a major concentration of all such acts after October 7.

The report in Marianne adds that the results of the recent parliamentary elections have caused concern among many French Jews, especially the electoral success of a political bloc that features a far-left party, La France Insoumise (France Unbowed) which is  widely regarded as antisemitic.

‘’In the 48 hours following the second round of the legislative elections, which saw the New Popular Front, of which La France Insoupise is one of the dominant components, come out on top, almost 2,000 aliyah applications were registered by the Jewish Agency,’’ the report says.

“Already, in the wake of the 7th of October massacre, we had to deal with a record number of immigration applications from France to Israel.’’

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