Portuguese Friendship Association with Israel supports Antonio Costa as President of European Council

Antonio Costa, a former Prime Minister of Portugal, is the incoming President of the European Council. 

After criticism from the Jewish Community of Porto, which considered the appointment of the former Portuguese Prime Minister to Brussels “an anti-Semitic coup,” the Lusa Portuguese for Israel Association congratulates the choice of the former ruler for the position, leaving praise and remembering “bridges” that Portuguese always build, writes EU Reporter.

 In a new book,  the leaders of the Porto Jewish community claim that the incoming President of the European Council,  ‘’was involved in the persecution of the strongest Jewish community in Portugal and led to the repeal of Portugal’s 2015 Nationality Law which granted Portuguese citizenship to descendants of Jews forced to leave from the country in the 15th century and in the following centuries.’’

 “We think it is important to make the story of those who are about to take on a significant role in the European Union known to the general public,” said the president of the Jewish community of Porto Gabriel Senderowicz. “The European Union has a plan to help fostering Jewish life over the coming years. However, this could be threatened by the appointment of a man who has a history of animosity towards Jews, the law, and the Jewish community and tried to shrink and attack it in his home country during his tenure as Prime Minister,’’ he added.

According to EU Reporter, there was a first immediate reaction, through social networks, and today an official communication, with the Lusa Portuguese Association for Israel (ALPI) distancing itself from the statements of the Jewish Community of Porto.

The Lusa Portuguese for Israel Association made  a point of demarcating itself, invoking a choice that stands out “in the construction of a better relationship with the State of Israel, its people and its diaspora”.

It said : “The position of external representative of the Union in matters such as foreign and security affairs makes the role of Dr. António Costa extremely important for the relations between the Union and the State of Israel, namely with regard to the challenge faced by the latter on the issue of terrorism and the security of all member countries and their citizens, in the response that the Union may give to States or Organizations that promote terrorist activities”, stresses the document signed by Madalena Barata, president of ALPI, where it is also stressed that there is “not the slightest doubt” that the former ruler is “the best prepared person for the position”, recalling the history of the Portuguese “in their ability to build bridges”.

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