Marine Le Pen’s extreme-right National Front party to be renamed ‘National Rally’

Marine Le Pen, leader of the French extreme-right party National Front with ex-White House strategist Steve Bannon, at the party congress in Lille.

PARIS—Marine Le Pen, leader of the French extreme-right party National Front has proposed that the party be renamed ‘’National Rally” in a bid to broaden its appeal.

“Our goal is clear: power,” Le Pen said at a “refoundation” congress in Lille almost one year after her defeat to pro-Europe centrist Emmanuel Macron at the presidential election.

Party members will vote to approve the name change by postal ballot in the coming weeks.

Marine Le Pen was reelected as the party’s leader. The congress also severed all ties with her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who founded the National Front party in 1972 and was several times convicted for anti-Semitic remarks.

Le Pen took over from her father as head of the party in 2011, in an attempt to cleanse its racist and anti-Semitic image.

Steve Bannon, the former White House strategist who ran Breibart News, was invited to address the Congress on Saturday.

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