Main pro-Israel group in Spain denounces pro-Palestinian event organized at the Spanish parliament, ‘a hate-fest and an attack against the Jewish People’

ACOM President Angel Mas: “The scheduled speakers have trivialized the Holocaust, offended survivors, and have a long and sordid history of defaming the Jewish People. This is a festival of hate, and not a pro-Palestinian event by any measure.''

“This event is nothing but an exercise in spreading hatred and slander against the State of Israel and the Jewish People, and belittling the Holocaust, even though it slyly tries to add that it also is about fighting antisemitism,” said Angel Mas, President of Action and Communication on the Middle East (ACOM), an organization dedicated to fighting the delegitimization of Israel

The main pro-Israel group in Spain slammed an upcoming pro-Palestinian solidarity event organized in the Spanish Parliament by the far-Left.

“This event is nothing but an exercise in spreading hatred and slander against the State of Israel and the Jewish People, and belittling the Holocaust, even though it slyly tries to add that it also is about fighting antisemitism,” said Angel Mas, President of Action and Communication on the Middle East (ACOM), an organization dedicated to fighting the delegitimization of Israel

“The scheduled speakers have trivialized the Holocaust, offended survivors, and have a long and sordid history of defaming the Jewish People. This is a festival of hate, and not a pro-Palestinian event by any measure,” Mas added.

“That this is happening in the Spanish Parliament is a stain on its reputation, and all fair-minded people should be working to ensure that the event does not take place, because it will start with hatred and lead to incitement.”

The event is scheduled to take place on Tuesday. It is being hosted by the Secretary General of the Spanish Communist Party, Enrique Santiago, and the deputy spokesperson of the far-Left Podemos Party in the Spanish parliament, Lucía Muñoz.

One of the featured speakers is Eitan Bronstein, founder of Zochrot, which seeks to end the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, and in 2014 participated in the disturbing spectacle of an actress telling visitors to Yad Vashem that the Holocaust was the best thing that ever happened to the Jewish People.

Another speaker is Yonatan Shapira, who spray-painted “Liberate all ghettos” and “Free Gaza and Palestine” on one of the remaining walls of the Warsaw Ghetto in 2010, an act which Yad Vashem called “tainted with antisemitism”.

Other speakers have been accused of trivializing the Holocaust, justifying terrorism and showing disdain towards Jews and Jewish causes.

“It is as if the organizers designed a parade of people who will cause the most offence to the Jewish People and put them on the same stage, just to attack Jews, belittle the Holocaust and seek to end the national homeland of the Jewish People,” Mas continued. “This has nothing to do with solidarity with the Palestinians, because it does nothing to push forward the cause of peace. It was clearly designed for one cause, and that is to offend and spread hatred against Jews.”

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