Latest polls suggest Labour party winning a large majority in Thursday U.K. general election

L to R: Labour leader Keir Starmer and Tory (Conservatives) current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Latest polls suggest that the Labour party, led by Keir Starmer,  will win Thursday’s general election in the United Kingdom with a large majority against Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives.  

Polls predict that Labour would win 431 seats, giving Starmer a landslide majority of 212, while the Tories would be reduced to to just 102 MPs. If the polls are confirmed, this would be Labour’s  largest majority since 1832.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he was  “campaigning hard to win every seat” on the eve of the July 4 election, while Starmer continued to urge those who wanted “change” to get out and vote for his party.

In Finchley and Golders Green, two parts of London with a large Jewish community,  the poll suggested Conservative candidate Alex Deane would secure 34% while Sarah Sackman for Labour would get 33%.

The Board of Deputies Jewish Manifesto  

In a 32-page manifesto ahead of the election, the Board of Deputies of British Jews oulined a wide range of issues for politicians to consider, which affect the Jewish community. These include specific issues which specifically affect Jews, including antisemitism and Israel, as well as issues which affect the wider country, including Jews.

The Manifesto itself started  with the ‘’TenCommitments’’, a summary of Jewish interests and concerns. The document inviteds politicians to share their support for the Manifesto online.

BOD President, Phil Rosenberg, declared on the Manigesto: ‘’The significantly expanded section on antisemitism, and the clarion call to secure the release of the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, demonstrate the particular anxiety that our community feels at this time.

“At the same time, many of the issues covered are ones that are felt across society, from the cost-of-living crisis, to housing, to health and social care; each discussing the unique challenges that the Jewish community experiences in these sectors.

“The 2024 Jewish Manifesto acknowledges that our community and society at large are at an inflection point in terms of extremism and polarisation. However, it looks forward to the optimistic alliance we need to build with our friends and neighbours – of all faiths and none – if we are to fight hatred and extremism and build a cohesive society that does not import conflict, but exports peace instead”.

“That must be the mission of whoever forms the next Government, and it will certainly be our mission at the Board of Deputies as well”.

How Israel sees the election ?

Labour leader Keir Starmer has been keen to root out Corbynism ( former Labour party Jerely Corbyn who proved to be an antisemite) from the Labour party and kicking out candidates who have so much as liked anti-Semitic tweet.

Israel’s Minister of Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism Amichai Chikli conceded that ‘’Keir Starmer is not like Jeremy Corbyn, he is far more moderate.’’ ‘’We don’t see Labour as bad but I see them as naive. They don’t uderstand that they are playing a movement which is very dangerous,’’ the Likud minister told reporters who visited Israel two weeks ago in the framework of a press trip organized by Europe Israel Press Association (EIPA). is still nervous about the UK under Labour.

Chikli added however: ‘’The worst is England. In England, my prediction? We’re seeing that Labour is going to win the election. It would be a miracle if the Conservatives win… Now the Labour’s policy is pro-Islamist. Because they are in what we call a red-green alliance. Green? Islam. Red? Communism.’’

He continued: ‘’We saw the demonstrations in the streets. We saw the statements made by many of those leaders who were elected with the messages of Hamas. We saw Big Ben with ‘from the river to the sea’ slogans. So we are seeing what’s happening on the streets, we are seeing what’s happening in the lections, we are seeing what’s happening to people who wear the Magen David, and were beaten. We are seeing what’s happening with students on the campuses. With all this information, we can see that political power is possessed with the Muslim community which is being radicalised, also with a lot of money from Qatar. This is a major threat to the future of the UK.’’

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