Jewish cemetery of Ioannina, Greece, again vandalized

The Jewish cemetery of Ioannina has become the target of antisemitic hatred and has been repeatedly vandalized in the past.

The Central Board of Jewish Communities (KIS) in Greece has expressed “outrage and resentment” after the desecration of a tomb in a Jewish cemetery in Ionanina, in the northwest of the country.

The tomb was found vandalized last week with its upper tombstone removed and marble fragments scattered around it.

‘’We strongly condemn this shameful act  of sacrilege which indicates that the hatred of the perpetrators leads to villainous manifestations of violence and fanaticism,’’ said the Central Board.

The Jewish cemetery of Ioannina has become the target of antisemitic hatred and has been repeatedly vandalized in the past.

‘’We call upon the competent authorities to arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice. The Jewish cemetery of Ioannina is not only the resting place of the Jews of the city, it is a place of memory and cultural heritage for the city of Ioannina as a whole,’’ the Central Board said.

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