Israel’s ambassador to Belgium lashes out at the Belgian government reaction, calls it ‘hypocrisy and cowardice’

Israel's ambassador to Belgium, Emmanuel Nahshon: ''When it comes to the Belgian reaction, unfortunately what comes to mind is the word hypocrisy and the word cowardice.''

“Friendly countries,  the US, Germany, the UK, all support Israel in an unconditional and clear way. We have the right to defend ourselves against these attacks,” declared Emmanuel Nahshon.

Israel’s ambassador to Belgium Emmanuel Nahshon lashed out at the Belgian government reaction to the events in Israel and Gaza. “Friendly countries,  the US, Germany, the UK, all support Israel in an unconditional and clear way. We have the right to defend ourselves against these attacks. When it comes to the Belgian reaction, unfortunately what comes to mind is the word hypocrisy and the word cowardice,’ he said.

Speaking in an interview with Belgian tv channel LN24, the ambassador was reacting to comments made by Belgian Foreign Minister Sophie Wilmès on the conflict. She spoke of a ‘’very difficult situation, an escalation where the civilian population is affected’’.

For her, “the first thing we don’t do is point the finger at those responsible for the current situation. Hamas? The Israeli government? ”

She added, ‘’It’s a classic question, we always try to say who is responsible for what. When you want to be an ‘honest broker’ in the resolution of a conflict”, you have to avoid pointing the finger of blame.’’

“There are things happening (on the ground) that are difficult to accept on both sides. We are convinced that launching hundreds and hundreds of rockets (at Israel) is not likely to calm the situation,’’ she said, calling on the parties to show ‘’restraint.’’

She expressed the hope for a European initiative: ‘We have to use diplomacy, but with 27 countries, with the EU, it is always difficult to have a single position. So we need a coherent approach to the discussion’, she said.

Within the Belgian government, the Greens and Socialists are pushing for a firm stance on the escalating violence between Israel and the Palestinians, even calling for sanctions against Israel.

“I hear people asking for sanctions. But we are not the first to do that, we must first initiate dialogue, first force a ceasefire,’’ the Belgian Foreign Minister said.

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