Israeli man seriously wounded in second Huwara shooting

The victim was driving with his wife and three children • The terrorist was “neutralized” by security forces.


A terrorist opened fire at a car in the Arab village of Huwara, just outside Nablus, on Sunday, seriously injuring a 30-year-old man.

The man is reportedly stable. “He hit the terrorist. He shot him. The pictures of the bullets you see are bullets he shot, not the terrorist,” said a source at the hospital.

“He hit the terrorist and thanks to that, they were able to catch the terrorist. The wounded man is admittedly in pain and sedated, but, thank God, he is in good condition.”

The wounded man’s wife, 35, suffered from shock and was transferred to Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva.

Three children sat in the back seat of the vehicle. They were not injured.

Israeli security forces pursued and captured the terrorist. He was transferred to security forces for further questioning, the IDF reported.

The terrorist has been identified as Leith Nazar, 28, a resident of the village of Madama near Nablus (biblical Shechem).

Magen David Adom paramedic Moshe Meir Shimon said: “We provided medical treatment to a man in his 30s who was seriously injured by a gunshot to his upper body and to a woman who was suffering from shock. We quickly transferred them to the ambulances and evacuated them to the hospital as the man’s condition is serious.”

Yossi Dagan, head of the Samaria Regional Council, said at the scene of the attack: “Stop behaving like the previous government that neglected security with its inaction. I call on and demand from the prime minister, the minister of defense and all their fellow ministers in the government: It is the turn of the IDF to launch a military operation against the terrorist [Palestinian] Authority.”

Terrorist groups praised the attack.

Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasem said, “We welcome the commando operation in Huwara and confirm that it is a natural response to Israel’s crimes in the West Bank and Jerusalem.”

Islamic Jihad said that “this is a natural and legitimate response to Israel’s crimes, the latest of which was today in Damascus and two days ago in Jenin.”

In the Arab village of Beita near Nablus, sweets were handed out to celebrate the attack.

Three weeks ago, brothers Hallel and Yagel Yaniv, were killed in Huwara in a shooting attack while sitting in their car at the same junction on the highway that runs through the village.

According to a public opinion poll conducted earlier this month, 71% of Palestinians support the murder of the Yanivs, with only 21% of those surveyed saying they were against the attack.

The terrorist who carried out that attack, Hamas member Abdel Fattah Hussein Kharousha, was killed by IDF soldiers on March 7.

He had been released from an Israeli jail months earlier.

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