Israeli FM condemns ‘disgraceful’ vandalism of EU delegation office in Israel

According to Israeli media, a right-wing Israeli activist and anti-asylum seekers activist, Sheffi Paz, filmed herself committing the vandalism, and later admitted to it. Paz is a former member of the left-wing Meretz party. She is the head of the South Tel Aviv Liberation Front, committed to the deportation of all asylum seekers from Israel.

‘’I am appalled by and condemn this disgraceful vandalism of the EU Mission in Israel,’’ said Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz after the lobby the European Union delegation in Raat Gan was vandalized on Sunday with threatening slogans.

A graffiti reading “Get out EU” and “German money kills Jews’’ was spray painted in red paint on the offices walls. No diplomats were present when the incident occurred, since the office is closed on Sundays.

‘’Israel is committed to maintaining the security of all diplomatic mission,’’ the Israeli minister added on Twitter. ‘’The Israeli police are investigating the case and I expect the culprits will be swiftly brought to justice,’’ he wrote.

According to Israeli media, a right-wing Israeli activist and anti-asylum seekers activist, Sheffi Paz, filmed herself committing the vandalism, and later admitted to it. Paz is a former member of the left-wing Meretz party. She is the head of the South Tel Aviv Liberation Front, committed to the deportation of all asylum seekers from Israel.

In the video, broadcast on Israeli’s Channel 12, Paz says: “Stop subsidizing terrorists, stop financing illegal immigration and get out of Israel.”

The EU Ambassador to Israel Emanuele Giaufret said in a statement: “ This incident is deplorable and has to be condemned. We will continue to do our job.”

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