Israel shows foreign press footage of Hamas massacre

”The most shocking, is how we see a father holding a baby and they are charred together.”


The IDF on Monday screened for foreign press correspondents some 43 minutes of harrowing scenes of murder, torture and decapitation from Hamas’s October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, in which over 1,400 people were killed.

In the past week, the IDF has accumulated raw body-cam footage from Hamas terrorists who took part in the massacre, and compiled it into one file.

 The government said it had decided to show journalists part of its collected documentation in order to to prove the Islamist terrorist group committed crimes against humanity.

‘’Showcasing these materials is crucial to the documentation and reporting of what took place in Israel that day,’’ it said.

Journalists were not permitted to record the screening, which took place on a closed military base.

Raphaël Jerusalmy, a former senior Israeli military intelligence officer, writer and defense and security analyst for i24news channel, was among the people who saw the screening.

Here is his reporting and feelings after the screening:

‘’Although it would be good for the whole world to see what happened in the massacres in southern Israel, it should be understood that these images can only be shown in secure and controled environments, because what is even more to be feared is that children or teenagers will be exposed to these images,  today with social networks, cell phones… ‘’

‘’To my great regret, we have to limit the propagation of these images to restricted audiences, in a secure environment, to decision-makers, journalists and politicians, because they are so unbearable that they can cause long-term psychological damage among fragile people, especially children.’’

‘’Before describing what was perpetrated, what is most shocking ted, is that it reminds the coldness with which the Nazis organized the concentration camps. Here, there are quite simply marching orders that are followed to the letter, i.e. the tortures that were perpetrated, the beheadings that were carried out according to formal instructions; As the Nazis and the SS would said: ‘I simply obeyed the orders’  and so the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists had precise marching orders where they were told, for example, that the children had to be tortured in front of the parents, the parents in front of the children. Let’s not forget that this surprise incursion lasted for hours before the Israeli armed forces were able to come in and suppress them, so for hours children, grandchildren and grandparents not only suffered torture, but also witnessed the torture suffered by members of their families.’’

‘’You can imagine the rapes, repeated rapes, collective rapes on young girls, on women, even pregnant women, dismemberments, tortures of all kinds, skin ripped off. We see eyes gouged out, a wounded or half-dead Israeli on the ground has a terrorist stick a pickaxe into his eye sockets to gouge out his eyes. We see a Thai farm worker shot in the stomach, bloodied and holding his stomach, semi-conscious. A terrorist approaches him and strikes him on the throat with a spade to finish him off… And many people are burned alive. Then a family was gathered in a room and set on fire with combustibles. They were also equipped with cyanide. So many people were burned alive and charred that we haven’t been able to identify all the bodies yet.’’

‘’The latest, and most shocking, is how we see a father holding a baby and they are charred together. All these atrocities I leave you to imagine, and whatever you imagine, it’s even worse than that. Atrocities. I would like to point out, however, that it is applied by Hamas and also the PLO in Palestinian jails. Opponents of the regime, Hamas in Gaza for example, are tortured just as cruelly. Many die as a result of their torture. They have no trial, no right to legal counsel and are at the mercy of sadistic and ferocious torturers.’’

‘’Which leaves us with the human problem of asking ourselves: is it possible that one man could do this to another? Yes, it’s possible, and if it’s possible here in southern Israel, in Gaza, it’s possible everywhere. They are everywhere. We talk mainly about Islamists and jihadists. But there are men everywhere who look like humans, but inside that human skin there isn’t really a person with a heart and a conscience. This is a danger that threatens us all and one we must beware of. The lesson is that it’s global, and a warning to the world: just how far jihadist fanaticism can go.’’

Speaking to the press corps, Israel Defense Forces spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said that “when we say Hamas is ISIS, it’s not a branding effort.’’

“We say ISIS in the sense of — [Hamas’s] media elements, cruelty, and barbarism are ISIS elements,” he said. He also noted “the guidance of manuscripts” found on killed and captured Hamas terrorists, the primary force of which was from the group’s Nukhba commando unit.

“It’s this idea that they would take all measures, [even]against Islam, to not allow the existence of Israelis, wherever they are, [including]Bedouins, Arab Israelis, foreigners,” Hagari said.

“Why does a person take a GoPro [to such an attack]?” the military spokesperson continued. “Because he’s proud of what he does.”

“It’s indoctrination, and if the indoctrination is to commit crimes against humanity, it’s not just Israel’s problem,” Hagari added, alluding to a broader Western war against fundamentalist Islamic terror.

Massacres recorded live, streams of blood, charred bodies by the dozens and the body of a decapitated soldier appear in a compilation of audiovisual material, much of it previously unreleased, that the Israeli Armed Forces showed to the media on Monday with the aim of revealing the horror of the massacre perpetrated by Hamas in Israel on Oct. 7 and to prove the Islamist group committed “crimes against humanity.”

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