In New York City, anti-Jewish hate crimes jump 400% in February compared to last year, reports NYPD

Among incidents were assaults on visibly identifiable Jews walking in heavily Jewish neighborhoods on Friday nights in Brooklyn, N.Y.


The number of hate crimes against Jewish in New York City continues to rise at record rates, according to statistics from the New York City Police Department.

According to the NYPD, some 56 incidents of anti-Semitism occurred in the city in February, accounting for more than half of all hate crimes reported last month.

That number is more than 400% higher than in February 2021, when the NYPD recorded 11 such crimes. It also represents a significant jump from the 15 reports of Jew-hatred in January.

Among the incidents last month were several assaults on visibly identifiable Jews who were walking in heavily Jewish neighborhoods on Friday nights in Brooklyn, N.Y.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has met with multiple leaders of the local Jewish community in recent weeks and expressed his concern over the increasing attacks.

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