Geneva prohibits exhibition glorifying Palestinian terrorist groups

The city of Geneval prohibited the exhibition of posters.

The European Jewish Association (EJA), a Brussels-based organization representing Jewish communities across Europe, had called on Geneva mayor Marie Barbey-Chappuis to investigate the ”Exhibition of Palestinian resistance posters by Marc Rudin” which was due to take place in her city 25-27 May.


The city of Geneva prohibited a poster exhibition glorifying Palestinian terrorist groups following a protest by a Jewish group.

The European Jewish Association (EJA), a Brussels-based organization representing Jewish communities across Europe, had called on Geneva mayor Marie Barbey-Chappuis to investigate the ”Exhibition of Palestinian resistance posters by Marc Rudin” which was due to take place in her city 25-27 May.

According to the organizers, Secrours Rouge Geneval and Samidoun, the exhibit was ‘’part of the action days for the 75th anniversary of the Nakba.”

The organizers were contacted by the person in charge of the exhibition’s location – the Almacén, which is a building owned by the city of Geneva. It was explained that the city had forbidden the holding of the exhibition ‘’because of a lack of information about the project.’’

The political posters of Marc Rudin, a Swiss revolutionary artist and internationalist , who died last April,  were published by Palestinian organizations, and especially  terrorist group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

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