Gallant: ‘Hezbollah is responsible and will pay the price’

Twelve children and youths were killed and at least 30 more people wounded in the single deadliest Hezbollah attack since the Lebanese terror army joined the war in support of Hamas on Oct. 8, firing drones, missiles and rockets across the border on a near daily basis.

The military is increasing its readiness for “the next stage of fighting in the north” following the Iranian terror proxy’s deadly attack, said IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi.

By Joshua Marks, JNS

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called Saturday’s deadly Hezbollah rocket attack on Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights a “terrible tragedy,” pledging that Iran’s Lebanese terror proxy “will pay the price.”

We mourn the innocent boys and girls killed in Majdal Shams.

There are 150,000 Druze in Israel, as well as millions of Jews and Arab Israelis. We live side by side and all suffer from Hezbollah’s terror.

We will ensure Hezbollah, the proxy of Iran, pays a price for this loss.

— יואב גלנט – Yoav Gallant (@yoavgallant) July 28, 2024

The minister made the remarks on Sunday morning while touring the scene of the strike in the majority Druze town. Twelve children and youths were killed and at least 30 more people wounded in the single deadliest Hezbollah attack since the Lebanese terror army joined the war in support of Hamas on Oct. 8, firing drones, missiles and rockets across the border on a near daily basis.

The aftermath of a Hezbollah missile attack in the Druze village of Majdal Shams, July 27, 2024. Photo by Michael Giladi/Flash90.

He was accompanied by Majdal Shams Mayor Dolan Abu Saleh and IDF Brig. Gen. Yair Peli, commanding officer of the 210th Division.

IDF chief: Increasing readiness for ‘next stage of fighting in north’

Speaking during a solidarity visit to Majdal Shams on Saturday night, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi said that the military is increasing its readiness for “the next stage of fighting in the north.”

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, right, greets Druze community leader Shaykh Mowafaq Ṭarīf after the deadly Hezbollah rocket attack in Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights, July 27, 2024. Credit: IDF.

Halevi accused Hezbollah of deliberately targeting children.

“This is a Hezbollah rocket. And whoever launches such a rocket into a built-up area wants to kill civilians, wants to kill children,” the IDF chief said. He noted that the army knows the exact location in Lebanon from which the rocket, a Falaq 1 with a 53 kilogram (110 pound) warhead, was launched.

IDF Spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari told reporters at a briefing on Saturday that the rocket was manufactured in Iran and that Hezbollah is the only Iranian terror proxy that possesses it.

Halevi for his part expressed sympathy with and support for the Druze community, meeting with community leader Sheikh Mowafaq Ṭarif and representatives of the local authority.

Halevi was accompanied by Peli and commanding officer of IDF Northern Command Brig. Gen. Ori Gordin.

The IDF chief also delivered a message to the tens of thousand of residents displaced from their homes for nearly 10 months amid constant cross-border attacks by Hezbollah.

Family and friends mourn during the funeral service of Druze children who were killed at a soccer field from a missile fired from Lebanon, in the Druze village of Majdal Shams, in the Golan Heights, July 28, 2024. Photo by Jamal Awad/Flash90.

“We are greatly increasing our readiness for the next stage of fighting in the north. We are simultaneously operating in the Gaza Strip. We know how to strike even very far from the State of Israel,” said Halevi.

“There will be more challenges, and we will raise our readiness. When required, we will act strongly. Our duty is to return the residents of the north safely to their homes, in the entire north, the Galilee and the Golan Heights, a full commitment. It is a difficult day; we will work for better days,” he added.

Netanyahu to convene Security Cabinet, Gantz offers support

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu moved up his return flight from the U.S. following the incident in northern Israel, his office said.

“The prime minister will convene the Security Cabinet immediately upon his return to Israel,” the Prime Minister’s Office said.

Meanwhile, National Unity Party leader Benny Gantz offered his full support for the coalition in its response.

“I have said before, and will reiterate it tonight—the government will be afforded wide support from outside the government for any determined and effective response that will restore security to the citizens of the north,” Gantz tweeted on Saturday night.

On the 7th of October Hamas’ massacring of children and kidnapping of innocent civilians did not discriminate between race, religion or ethnicity. All were guilty of the high crime of being Israeli.

As innocent Israeli children in the Druze village of Majdal Shams were murdered…

— בני גנץ – Benny Gantz (@gantzbe) July 27, 2024

Names of Hezbollah rocket attack victims published

The names of 11 of the 12 casualties were cleared for publication on Sunday morning. They are:

Alma Ayman Fakher Eldin, 11
Milad Muadad Alsha’ar, 10
Vinees Adham Alsafadi, 11
Iseel Nasha’at Ayoub, 12
Yazan Nayeif Abu Saleh, 12
Johnny Wadeea Ibrahim, 13
Ameer Rabeea Abu Saleh, 16
Naji Taher Alhalabi, 11
Fajer Laith Abu Saleh, 16
Hazem Akram Abu Saleh, 15
Nathem Fakher Saeb, 16

These are the 12 Israeli-Druze children Hezbollah murdered.

My heart breaks for the families. Now their children are gone.

Israel must DEFEAT Hezbollah. pic.twitter.com/y7kYlgmnaN

— Hananya Naftali (@HananyaNaftali) July 28, 2024

IDF attacks deep in Lebanese territory

Following the deadly rocket attack, the IDF struck targets “both deep inside Lebanese territory and in Southern Lebanon,” according to the military.

מטוסי קרב תקפו במהלך הלילה שורת מטרות טרור של ארגון הטרור חיזבאללה ברחבי לבנון.

בין המטרות שהותקפו בעומק ובדרום לבנון, מצבורי אמל”ח ותשתיות טרור במרחבים שבריחה, בורג’ א-שמאלי, בקאע, כפר כילא, רב א-תלתין, אל-חיאם וטיר חרפא pic.twitter.com/nUpOGqTWtK

— צבא ההגנה לישראל (@idfonline) July 28, 2024

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