French government spokesperson files complaint after receiving letter containing antisemitic threats

French government spokesperson Gabriel Attal received Friday a letter containing anti-Semitic and homophobic threats against him.

French government spokesperson Gabriel Attal has filed a complaint after receiving a letter containing anti-Semitic and homophobic threats against him.

Attal, who is Jewish, posted on Instagram extracts of the letter.

On the envelope, two stars, yellow and pink, are drawn, referring to the marking system used by the Nazis during World War II for Jewish and gay people.

Attal said on his Instagram post that he is not used to relaying “the rubbish” he receives.

“At the start of the year, I am making an exception. Racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, sexism: let us never take our values ​​for granted, the fight must be permanent. This letter is further proof,” he wrote on the social network.

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