Families of Israeli hostages plea in Brussels: ‘Don’t forget them’

Members of the families of Bar Kuperstein, Ofer Kalderon, Noa Argamani and Shay Levinson, at a press conference in Brussels organized by Europe Israel Press Association (EIPA). Picture from EIPA.

234 days that the families hope for their loved ones to return home.

Hamas terrorists still detain 125 hostages alive or dead.

”All the world is talking about the humanitarian situation of the Palestinians but no one is talking about the humanitarian situation of the hostages.”

Families of Israeli hostages taken by Hamas on October 7 came to Brussels on Monday in search of support from the EU politicians and diplomats, hoping for safe return of Noa Argami, Ofer Kalderon, Bar Kuperman and Shai Levinson among the other 125 persons from Hamas captivity, writes Anna Van Densky in Europe Diplomatic Magazine.

However their fate remains unknown, and the chances of their liberation are becoming slimmer, burnt by the raging flames of war.

Their faces looking with despair from the billboards, and videos circulating on internet are becoming permanent feature, letting public get accustomed to the catastrophe, feeling immune to tragedy, while it is shifting away pushed by daily reports of new terrorist’s atrocities. The families of hostages are determined to avoid the sinking into oblivion the fate of their loved ones. They spoke to reporters at a press conference organized by Europe Israel Press Association (EIPA)  after meeting the Foreign Ministers of two EU member states. Their visit coincided with a gathering of the Foreign Affairs Council which discussed the war between Israel and Hamas and its implications.

Yaffa Ohad, aunt of Noa Argamani, 26, told about the situation in her family, struck by the terminal illness of Noa’s mother, dreaming to see her daughter last time before passing away. ‘’She just want to hug her for an hour.’’  Will she? Certainty it is largely dependent on the public pressure, and determination of all those believing, and defending human rights, right to life.  For many  Noa –  a student of Ben Gurion University in Beersheva– became a  symbol of  Hamas atrocities, “the face of the Nova music festival hostages”.

”We don’t know if he is dead or alive, we don’t know where he is, if he gets any humanitarian need,” said Sharon Kalderon, sister in law of Ofer Kalderon, 53, who was kidnapped in kibbutz Nir Oz with other family members, including his two children who were later released from Hamas captivity. ”All the world is talking about the humanitarian situation of the Palestinians but no one is talking about the humanitarian situation of the hostages. They didn’t see the Red Cross or any other organisation and this is already nine months since theyr were kidnapped,” she stressed. ”We know from Ofer’s two children that they didn’t get any food, that they drink water only from the sea and the rain.”

”The most important thing is to bring them back home as soon as possible, all of them,” Sharon added.

Bar Kupershtein, 22, and has been missing since the morning of October 7, when Hamas terrorists launched a massive assault on the Nova Festival where he worked as a security guard and paramedic.

His family tried to reach him as sirens began sounding throughout Israel, they could find his last phone location at 8 a.m. Hours later, his aunt found Hamas videos and photos of Kupershtein, tied up on the ground.

“Since then, we don’t know anything, we just know what we saw in the Hamas photos,” said his aunt, Mazy Zafrani, in several videos posted online.

Kupershtein began to take care for those shot and injured by terrorists, instead of running and escaping, according to survivors who shared their experience with his family. “He tried to protect others and to fight, without ammunition,” said his aunt. Kupershtein’s family, from Holon, is distraught and “out of their minds with worry,” said Mazy.

The body of Shay Levinson, 19, from Giv’at Avni in northern Israel, he was a top volleyball player and played for years with the team in Eilabun, an Arab village near his hometown. For several years, he was the only Israeli Jew on the team and strongly believed in coexistence.

On the 7th of October Levinson served in the 7th Armored Brigade’s 77th Battalion, and his body was taken hostage from the Nahal Oz area, following a battle with terrorists during the Hamas onslaught. His family doesn’t wish the other soldiers risk their lives to recover Shay remains, however they are waiting for his release to return home for a burial.

Earlier Israel’s  Ambassador to Belgium, Idit Rosenzweig-Abu posted a message on her X social media page, thanking everyone, who came to support the families of hostages, kept by Hamas terrorists since 7 October attack, while the struggle for human rights of Israeli hostages goes on.

On Sunday, the families gathered with members of the Jewish community of Belgium who are marching every Sunday  under the moto ‘’Bring the hostages back home’’.

European Jewish Press contributed to this report.


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