European Jewish group outraged by use of yellow star during demonstration in Brussels against corona measures

‘’It makes me sick to think how little people understand the hurt that such banners cause, and how little people have a true understanding and appreciation of the sheer scale and magnitude of the Holocaust,” said Rabbi Menachem Margolin, head of the European Jewish Association.


The European Jewish Association (EJA) reacted with outrage to the image of a yellow star, symbol of Nazi persecution of Jews, used by protestors during a demonstration in Brussels against the governmental corona measures on Sunday.

In a statement, EJA Chairman Rabbi Menachem Margolin said: “It is hard to know where to begin with how wrong this is.’’

‘’I’m struggling to try and see the similarity between being asked to take a vaccine during a pandemic, or facing restrictions if you don’t, with the systematic murder of six-million Jews in death camps, gas chambers, or mass shootings at open graves.’’

‘’It makes me sick to think how little people understand the hurt that such banners cause, and how little people have a true understanding and appreciation of the sheer scale and magnitude of the Holocaust. To those who marched today with a huge Yellow star, I say this: “just don’t. No matter how you feel about covid restrictions, nobody is tattooing your arms, nobody is herding you onto cattle trucks, and nobody wants you, your families and all your loved ones to die. Above all, educate yourselves and learn what this yellow star truly represents.”

The European Jewish Association is Brussels-based group representing Jewish communities across Europe.

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