EU strongly condemns transfer of Iranian-made ballistic missiles to Russia, to respond with ‘restrictive measures’

While Iran is said to have provided Russia with hundreds of drones since the invasion of Ukraine began over two years ago, the supply of ballistic missiles represents a deeper level of involvement in the conflict.

The European Union on Friday ‘’strongly’’ condemned  the recent transfer of Iranian-made ballistic missiles to Russia.

‘’This transfer is a direct threat to European security and represents a substantive material escalation from the provision of Iranian UAVs and ammunition, which Russia has used in its illegal war of aggression against Ukraine,’’ the EU said.

The statement said this transfer ‘’comes in the midst of Russia’s most recent attacks against Ukraine, including with ballistic missiles and drones, which prove its clear determination to continue its brutal war of aggression against Ukraine and its people, notably targeting critical energy infrastructure, trying to cause the highest possible loss of civilian life and inflict large-scale devastation. Iranian ballistic missiles could now be used to cause further suffering and destruction in Ukraine.’’

‘’The European Union’s position on Iran’s involvement in Russia’s war has always been clear. The European Union has repeatedly strongly cautioned Iran against transfers of ballistic missiles to Russia,’’ the statement added.

The EU said it ‘’will respond swiftly and in coordination with international partners, including with new and significant restrictive measures against Iran, including the designation of individuals and entities involved with Iran’s ballistic missile and drone programmes, and in this regard is considering restrictive measures in Iran’s aviation sector as well.’’

While Iran is said to have provided Russia with hundreds of drones since the invasion of Ukraine began over two years ago, the supply of ballistic missiles represents a deeper level of involvement in the conflict.

The Wall Street Journal was the first to report on the missile transfer. Last week, Bloomberg had reported that European officials anticipated Iran would imminently deliver missiles to Russia.

In response to inquiries from Bloomberg, Iran’s permanent mission to the United Nations issued a statement asserting that the country’s stance on the “Ukraine conflict remains unchanged” and that it does not provide military assistance to any parties involved in the war.

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