EU ‘strongly’ condemns Smotrich’s statement regarding starving civilians in Gaza until hostages are released

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich.

The US State Department said it was “appalled” by Smotrich’s statements, underlining the “harmful and disturbing” nature of such rhetoric.

The European Union ‘’strongly’’ condemned recent declarations made by Israeli Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich regarding starving civilIans.

Speaking at the Katif Annual Conference (Kenes Katif) on the future of Gaza, Smotrich suggested that starving Gazans could be “justified and moral” to secure the release of the hostages.

‘’Minister Smotrich saying that “it might be justified and moral” to let Israel “cause 2 million civilians to die of hunger” until the “hostages are returned” is beyond ignominious. It demonstrates, once again, his contempt for international law and for basic principles of humanity,’’ EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell said in a statement.

‘’Deliberate starvation of civilians is a war crime,’’ he added on Wednesday.

‘’We expect the Israeli government to unequivocally distance itself from the words of Minister Smotrich, as well as to establish transparency on the reported acts of torture in the Sde Teiman prison,’’ said Borrell’s statement.

‘’The EU continues urging Israel to implement the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and binding orders of the International Court of Justice, and ensure full and unimpeded humanitarian access to cover the needs of scores of civilians, including hundreds of thousands of children, living in extremely dire conditions and exposed to famine and disease in Gaza,’’ he said.

He reiterated the EU’s call for an immediate ceasefire ‘’that leads to the release of all hostages and a significant and sustained increase in the flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza.’’

Despite various attempts to deliver aid, including airdrops and a temporary sea jetty built by the USA, land convoys remain the most effective method. Israel, for its part, emphasizes its efforts to facilitate humanitarian aid, while pointing the finger at poor distribution by aid agencies and looting by armed groups.

The US State Department said it was “appalled” by Smotrich’s statements, underlining the “harmful and disturbing” nature of such rhetoric.

British Foreign Minister David Lammy stated: ”International law could not be more clear, the deliberate starvation of civilians is a war crime,” he wrote on X. ”There can be no justification for Minister Smotrich’s remarks and we expect the wider Israeli government to retract and condemn them.”

France and Germany’s foreign ministers also strongly condemned the Israeli minister’s comments.


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