Bulgarian Prime Minister receives European Jewry organization’s highest award

NCSEJ chairman Daniel Rubin and CEO Mark Levin present the Torch of Liberty award to Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyk Borisov. They are joined by Israel Ambassador Yoram Elron; U.S. Ambassador Herro Mustafa; Julia Dandolova, CEO of Shalom, the Organization of the Jews of Bulgaria; and the NCSEJ leadership delegation. Picture by NCSEJ.

Boyko Borisov stressed that the Torch of Liberty award, ”in recognition of his visionary leadership in foreign affairs and principled promotion of human rights and freedoms,” was for all of the Bulgarian people.


National Coalition for Supporting European Jewry chairman Daniel Rubin and CEO Mark Levin presented the organization’s highest award to Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov.

It comes “in recognition of his visionary leadership in foreign affairs and principled promotion of human rights and freedoms,” said the group in a statement.

The prime minister met with the NCSEJ leadership for more than an hour.

Joining the presentation were the U.S. Ambassador to Bulgaria Herro Mustafa, Israeli Ambassador to Bulgaria Yoram Elron and Yulia Dandolova, CEO of Shalom, the Organization of the Jews of Bulgaria.

Borisov stressed that the Torch of Liberty award was for all of the Bulgarian people.

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