British government aid to Palestinian Authority funding terror

LONDON (EJP)—During a debate on Britain’s foreign aid at the House Of Commons several MPs denounced the fact that the government aid agency funds were being used by the Palestinian Authority (PA) towards paying the salaries of convicted terrorists and projects aimed at inciting violence against Israel.

Citing studies by the Israeli NGO Monitor, the MPs also debated their country’s funding of radical anti-Israel NGOs, with several legislators questioning why the government’s aid agency is spending so much on extremist organizations which undermine Israeli democracy.

Conservative MP Matthew Offord stressed that instead of promoting universal human rights UK aid is being funneled into the coffers of ardently anti-Israel political actors.

“A significant proportion of the NGOs receiving British funds promote the Palestinian political narrative, focusing only on allegations of Israeli human rights violations,” said Offord.

An independent British study has found that a UK grant provided to the Palestinian Authority is “more likely” to boost terrorism, as the funding has been used to support civil servants convicted of carrying out terrorist acts.

According to the Telegraph on Sunday, the Overseas Development Institute said in its report that a £156.4 million ($221.7 million) UK aid project to the PA encouraged civil servants to take part in “active conflict,” as their families would still receive a salary even if they were jailed for criminal activity, including terrorism.

The paper noted that the British taxpayer was actively funding Palestinian terrorism.

Labour MP Joan Ryan urged an independent inquiry to “ensure that taxpayers’ money assists the process of building peace and coexistence rather than ending up in the pockets of convicted terrorists.”

She warned that the report “adds to the mounting concerns” about the aid provided to the PA by the UK’s Department for International Development.

Conservative Party MP Ser Eric Pickles said that “Sadly, the Palestinian Authority role has deteriorated to, at best, the cheerleader to acts of violence to, at worst, the operator of a revolving door policy for terrorists.”

Pickles said “British taxpayers will be shocked to learn that we are helping to fund an equal opportunity employment policy for convicted terrorists.”


As a result of the debate, the British government has launched an official investigation into how it spends taxpayer money in funding Palestinian territories.

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