Adidas slammed for collaborating with Bella Hadid as the new face of a revamped shoe first introduced for the 1971 Munich Olympics

Adidas has announced model and pro-Palestine activist Bella Hadid as the new face of its revamped SL 72 shoe. This shoe was first introduced for the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich , where 11 Israeli athletes and coaches were killed by Black September Palestinian terrorists who infiltrated the Olympic village.

During the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich 11 Israeli athletes and coaches were killed by Black September Palestinian terrorists who infiltrated the Olympic village.

Model Bella Hadid has been accused of “fanning the flames of antisemitism” by spreading misinformation about Israel.

Adidas has announced model and pro-Palestine activist Bella Hadid as the new face of its revamped SL 72 shoe. This shoe was first introduced for the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich , where 11 Israeli athletes and coaches were killed by Black September Palestinian terrorists who infiltrated the Olympic village.

The choice by Adidas was slammed by the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM), a global coalition engaging more than 850 partner organizations in the common mission of fighting the world’s oldest hatred,  as Bella Hadid is  widely regarded as anti-Semitic.

‘’For Adidas to choose Hadid, someone who is constantly baiting Jews and attacking the Jewish State, is bad enough, but to have her launch a shoe commemorating an Olympics when so much Jewish blood was shed is just sick,” said CAM CEO Sacha Roytman Dratwa.

“We call on Adidas to apologize for this decision and drop Hadid immediately. Otherwise, it will be seen as a direct attack on the memory of the 11 Israelis who were murdered while merely trying to participate in the Olympic Games.”

“Thoughtless actions like this only embolden Israel haters and anti-Semites ahead of the Paris Olympics scheduled to start next week with an Israeli delegation that has already been repeatedly threatened with violence,’’ he added.

Bella Hadid has been accused of “fanning the flames of antisemitism” by spreading misinformation about Israel. She has accused Israel of being an apartheid “Jewish supremacist” state and claimed “Jesus was Palestinian”.

Adidas had already been previously criticized for its relationship with US rapper Kanye West. The company ended their partnership with the rapper over his “unacceptable, hateful, and dangerous” comments in October 2022 in which he praised Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.

Adidas was founded by brothers Adolf and Rudolf Dassler in Germany in 1924. Both of them were members of the Nazi party.

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